Betting Steps, Bringing Your Joy of Winning

First, do not put blindly, simply hoping for an attractive ratio. Luck is a very slippery thing, and counting on it is very risky! Sooner or later she will take away all your money from you! Always look at the statistics, analyze the past games and, if possible, the news regarding the situation inside both teams.

The Stakes

Most often, the stakes for Joker123 incorrectly determine the current state of affairs at a given time, but just based on the rating, popularity or position of the club in the standings. However, the team may be on the decline, it may have disqualified or injured key players, etc.

The Winning Rates

Secondly, in nature there are no 100% winning rates, as well as 100% confidence in the result of the match! Try to identify for yourself what maximum, what can be it’s 90-95% confidence in the result of the game (this is the highest probability, and often it does not exceed 50%). 100% can never be.

The Weather

Thirdly, do not be lazy to find out the weather, which is supposed to be on the day of the game. She plays a very important role, for example, in football and, knowing about the weather conditions, you can expect an approximate flow of the game of both teams. Snow or rain are an unequivocal advantage in tactics of defence, it is much easier to destroy in such conditions than to attack … Therefore, the result as an ordinary or dry draw, when one and the opponents plays for the sake of non-gain is most likely!

No Surprises

Repeatedly, without knowing the weather conditions, lost very likely rates … Rain or snow should be a surprise for anyone, but not for you! If at least something suggests that there will be changes in the weather for the worse, then the best way out will be to hedge, than just to rely on Madame Fortune!


Fourth, find out detailed information from the mills of the two rivals. Disqualifications, absences, injuries – all this will help to predict the outcome as accurately as possible, and, in turn, correctly place your money! If there was a disqualification or injury to the supporting midfielders or defenders, then this in itself speaks of possible problems in the defense and potential missed goals.

If the disqualification or injury was the main player of the attack or the team captain, then the question arises: will the players be able to score, what they will rearrange in the tactics of the game, will they be able to implement a standard that will lead them forward. However, if the main performer of the standards has been traumatized or disqualified, this may also make you think. Thus, try to learn as much as possible the future state of the players.

Football Betting

Fifth, do not bet on the dry victory of the club in Joker123, going to play on someone else’s field. One of the most common losses is the situation when the favorite leaves for the middle team / outsider and eventually brings home one point players of a stronger team often cannot adjust themselves to a serious attitude towards the outsider , and those in turn want to squeeze out of himself maximum, to get even closer to the leader.